Sunday 25 February 2018

     Hoax of Procrastination

Human mind simply in its functioning prefers to do what it likes and hesitate to do what it dislikes. If that’s the case each moment’s task that we are entrusted with revolves around this concept. Our likes and dislikes may differ on other secondary dislikes and likes too but that’s not what I am trying to emphasize in this article below. The concept that I am trying to bring forth is as mentioned in the title, ‘Hoax of procrastination’. According to Oxford dictionary Hoax means ‘A humorous or malicious deception’. And Procrastination states to be as, ‘An act of delaying or postponing something’.

Procrastination initiates with the following modest ideology. Where one disliking task is given or taken to/by a person and to do the same one’s unconscious mind renders likewise, “Let me grab some rejuvenation from outside world and once I am fresh and energetic I will start with the task”. For instance, let me go watch a movie before I step into kitchen, let me talk to my girlfriend before I start studying or the most common as, let me check any important wats app text before…’. This mere ignited ideology is what I call as Vicious Web of Procrastination (VWP). 

So, this VWP starts to form when the above stated, (2nd paragraph) ideology incentives into mind. We tend to find energy for the task from outside. With energy I am trying to emphasize about the mental energy and not any physical energy needed for some particular tasks. 

The reality of the rejuvenation point in outside is that, it’s merely an illusion as that of happiness. Alike that of mirage seen by a thirst unquenched traveller walking in desert. In this sagacity what I want to talk about is, happiness is always intrinsic. It’s never present in the outside world and its elements. We are well versed this philosophy, if so then the rejuvenation needed for mental preparation prior to a task is also permanently inside rather than on an outside variable.

So, what happens eventually is the individual who is now into the phase of getting revitalized for task 1 has unconsciously communicated the brain that the work load is less, let’s overlook about it and embrace pleasure giving arenas. This thought process is what I term it be as ‘An Unconscious Escape’(AUE). Why I stated it to be as unconscious is because the escape conduced in here is totally unaware. Escape isn’t a process one intentionally performs. It’s a mechanism of brain that sends few signals into the sympathetic nervous system causing to flee for the moment resulting the task to be more sublimed. (Ms. Sanchari Maity, MSU Baroda). It wasn’t just mere individual’s thought. In this process the Unconscious part of brain manipulates the conscious brain with the hope that soon after therejuvenation the task will be completely done. But alas! it’s not happening that sooner.

Now as the individual had An Unconscious Escape (AUE) s/he has now officially stepped onto the Vicious Web of Procrastination (VWP) and the process is ongoing. Eventually, task 2 comes into picture. The individual in this state is now quite messed up because s/he’s well aware that one of task is already pending. Hence, now as they both stack up together as task 1 & 2 it then becomes a burden which I term to be as ‘Pile Tasked Burden’ (PTB). This burden is now so hefty that the brain now demands a recharge again which again leads to AUE followed by VWP, hence follows task 3,4..n. All these tasks are now added more onto Piled Tasked Burden (PTB) and there the brain is trapped. A bonus is added onto the same during the same stage, coined as ‘Demand of Time’ (DOT). It’s the deadline for each task inside VWP. It could be time, financial, space or any other resource as such. These deadlines add more onto Piled Task of Burdens (PTB), and thus needing more amount of rejuvenation and hence gradually resulting into the intensification in size of the Vicious Web of Procrastination (VWP). Assimilating all this process together, it’s called Hoax of Procrastination.



A novel proposed way through this Hoax of procrastination is via model of Two Way indulgence (TWI Model). The model talks about two main aspects.

1st. Cessation of existing PTB. – The tendency of human brain is to solve everything from base. It doesn’t work out well enough that way inside VWP. For that to happen it takes cessation of investment into PTB and then unrooting the VWP eventually. The mechanism for unrooting the VWP is explained in the second part of the TWI Model below. In here emphasis is laid onto ‘Cessation of PTB’. The cessation of PTB is directed by living in the present. The tasks given on the very particular day are completed rather than delaying. This decreases the investment onto PTB. Another great truth is the quality of the tasks trapped in VWP mostly couldn’t be concluded with absolute perfection because with lessening of DOT, the quality of the task also decreases eventually. Hence to not let that occur, its vitally essential to complete the latest task which were handed over in the present with the bank of DOT provided for the same.

2nd. Uprooting the VWP. – This is a complex procedure alike that of detaching a bomb because one wrong step could lead more into the assimilation of VWP. It earnestly requires time management, will power, patience and faith. But if these essences are not applied accurately, then it may lead towards the enlargement of VWP. One essentially needs to disrupt the thinking pattern of uprooting the ensnared tasks in VWP from base, and needs to identify the most essential task in reference with DOT. When this process takes place, the individual must ensure that the 1st step of TWI model is not detached from the routine instead it’s walking parallel with the 2nd step as aforementioned.

Once an individual successfully settle the VWP s/he should then effort their utmost to not build the same again. These main rewards of the same shall be, exclusion of Anger & Frustration to a superior degree. The vital change that bestows is that it makes the person to live and love in the present. Quoting in an Indian philosophical standard, ‘making one conscious round the clock’. So, lets decide, where do we wish to adhere ourselves, consistently stuck in past? unwantedly toiling for future! or having extensive jumps from past to future and vice versa. If not all these, are you ready to embrace the present?