Wednesday 7 December 2016

Fill only the empty cup

I would like to initiate this introspective article by reciting the verses what Buddha rendered eras longing back.

“Life is full of sufferings and Desires are the cause of suffering ”
     What an incredible verse in itself. Human life is full of desire, let’s simplify this more acutely. Humans are innate in unceasing needs. We all are in need of everything out and by of - something. The thirst of need never ceases until one stretches h/im/erself to the apex of self-actualization (Maslow). But for me, I sigh that even if one reaches the extent of self-actualization, needs leading to desires still persist. Let’s say about the great enlightened one himself, Buddha. He spread his philosophy to the poles with the need and desire to make the world enlighten and edify about the acute reality of life.

So the chief interrogation that snaps out in my cognizance is: Is Desire or Need - Virtue or Vicious, Noble or Despicable?

                                    The answer is clear-cut No!

      The very existence of humanity is the carving for need. It's 'need' that makes one keep going through the life. If you don’t believe or agree with me then ask to your own singular cells out there in your body. Try holding up your breath for a minute. You yourself without any 2nd party intervention within no space of time will assure to regain back the breath. Signifying the need of living!

      Now as we are assured that ‘need’ is an indispensable aspect of our life what can be done about this? Our presence on this terrain is minimal. What all and which all needs can be full-filled? Are our needs controlling our life? Yes, it does. Apart this trait is turning the world into a misery. Men compete, kill, slaughter, mock, tease, run, meditate, pray, eat, sleep and at times die (suicide) for needs or secondary desire. Can this be renovated?

      Yes! ‘Fill only the empty cup’ is the answer to the renovation of all these questions that’s soughed. Merely, filling the cups of the essentiality.

                  There are two fragments of this reflective title:

Fragment 1 : Identifying the cup
Fragment 2 : Filling the cup with appropriate wine to the zenith

Fragment 1 is a vital component, we are all actually unaware what’s are our actual problem or dilemma. Identification of the problem is the obligatory and vital component. Problems are the cups and the needs are the wine. 

“Give me six hours to chop down the tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. - Abraham Lincoln
Tree in here’s a problem and sharpening the axe is the personification wherein the tree’s strength is assessed before chopping. Thus problem identification is to be done assuredly. This shall lead one to a flourished life.

Fragment 2 states that the wine is to be only filled with the adequacy of the dilemma. Not a bit more to be dispensed or poured out on the table and not a bit fewer making the entire wine to be sensed insufficient. The apex of the crust of the cup is to be met by adequately by the pourer i.e. you and me. For instance, Tissy cries for the loosing marks then it’s good enough to let her cry. But a way to load tears shall bring forth a pathological disintegration or inadequate crying and controlling the tears shall lead to emotional distress. Let her cry to until the cup fills.

     Dear reader, hereby I sign off with a spark onto your mind. Don’t run for everything but just walk to the thing which you think is your seeding. Identify the cup in it and fill the absolute wine leading you to a blissful line of life.  

Signing off,
Your friend next door,
Ash ,.,.,.,., :-)

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